Bring your family over and enjoy cookies, milk, hot chocolate and egg nog, christmas music, and a free family photo shoot with the REAL Santa! Forget the long lines, high prices and busy shopping malls. This Santa experience is completely free to you should you wish not to make any purchase. However our Santa is the best looking Santa in the universe period. His jolly red cheeks and pearly white snow beard, jiggly belly of jolliness and super red Santa suit will rock your world! You are definitely going to want to get some photos with Santa for your personal facebook!
Our trained photography elf professionals use only the top of the line gear and studio lighting equipment coupled with a modern christmas themed background. We have a staff of friendly professional people who will go the extra mile and get your little one to respond with sincere holiday emotions that will show in the end photos. Your ensured photographs that are original, professional and printed on a high end metallic paper stock. You can not beat this family fun filled holiday opportunity. Check out all this cool stuff you will get!
- Photo shoot with Santa (bring your small pets 20lb or lighter)
- Cookies, Hot Chocolate, Milk and and Egg Nog
- Christmas Music by the Fireplace
- Relaxing home feel with seating for waiting.
- We will call you when your time is ready!
- No long standing lines
- No Malls or Shopping Centers